Patch #21 – Just Listen
Chuck Pearson, Tusculum College, Tennessee

The goal is not for the student to mimic your own explanation; the goal is for the student to arrive at their own accurate explanation. That’s not something that happens without intention. That’s something you can make specific plans to develop in the way you organize a class meeting or an assignment. But that requires listening to students in the moment. Feedback isn’t just helpful with a graded report or exam; feedback is useful in the moment, in dialogue with the student where you say as little as possible and you put the student in position to say the most.

ahhhh. thank you Chuck Pearson.

one of my all-time favourite people in this world is Julian Treasure – the self-proclaimed man of sound.  if you have heard of him, you know why he’s someone to be listened to.  mr. treasure speaks of sound with reverence: protect your ears – your ability to hear.

bird song is essential to our lives.  it tells us that everything is okay. birds were carried into mines as safety patrols for gas leaks. birds stopped singing: time to get out.

our students are our birds.  today, a student came to clarify the grading structure – an answer already provided through email but she wanted to make sure so she came to talk. to be listened to. to be heard.

my monkey chatter brain was screeching to get back to the marking pile, to stand up and force the leaving by physical mirroring.

and then she smiled and told me my office was cozy and comforting.

so i leaned back and listened for the bird song.